Pro-life Candidates Make Impressive Showing in 2024 Primary Election

Pro-life candidates who earned the endorsement of Oregon Right to Life Political Action Committee won impressive victories throughout Oregon in the 2024 primary election.  Oregon Right to Life PAC (ORTL PAC) supported 79 candidates in the primary election, making 76 endorsements and three recommendations. Of the supported candidates, 67 will move forward thanks to strong […]

We’re Here, We’re Pro-Life & We’re Not Going Anywhere!

June 22, 2024, marks two years since the Supreme Court handed down the Dobbs decision overturning Roe v. Wade. In the 1998 book Wrath of Angels: The American Abortion War, the authors concluded: “Mainstream abortion opponents . . .  had only two legitimate political avenues left open to them: ratification of a constitutional amendment to […]

Lila Rose to Speak at A Night for Advocacy

A Night for Advocacy, Oregon Right to Life Education Foundation’s annual benefit dinner, has an internationally famous headliner this year: Lila Rose.  The founder and president of Live Action and a 35-year-old mother of three, Rose is known for her massive online presence (reaching 75 million people monthly) and effective pro-life advocacy. Since creating Live […]

The Formula for Pro-Life Wins

Let’s set the stage. We live in Oregon: the state that legalized abortion before Roe v. Wade. The state that broke the ground for physician-assisted suicide in the United States. The state with some of the most pro-abortion laws in the country. And the state that continues to remove safeguards and standards, stretching us to […]

Voter Outreach Specialists Adding to Team Around State

Nathan Damm, a Voter Outreach Specialist with Oregon Right to Life, has pounded plenty of pavement since joining the team in January 2024 — more than 1,600 miles, actually. “I have had a lot of interesting experiences with people, dogs, the rain and car issues,” says Damm, who also works as the executive director of […]
