Three Culture of Death Tipping Points

Pope John Paul II once famously described Western society as a “culture of death.” But what does that term mean? It refers to a civilization that endorses lethal omissions and even outright killing by doctors to alleviate suffering or resolve life crises. “Culture of death” is most often applied in the context of euthanasia, assisted […]
Life Notes

Ireland legalizes abortion In a historic referendum in May, by a vote of 66.4% to 33.6%, Irish voters stripped unborn babies’ right to life from its constitution. Ireland’s Eighth Amendment, adopted in 1983, was one of Europe’s strongest protections for unborn children, making a mother and her unborn baby equal under the law, effectively restricting […]
Just Six States have Legalized Assisted Suicide Despite Massive Push

In 2007, there were 26 states that were challenged by assisted suicide campaigns and all 26 states rejected it. This year, 25 states have had assisted suicide bills in their legislatures and, as of now, only Hawaii has passed the bill. Yet, the theme that the media is portraying is that the assisted suicide lobby […]
Action Alert

Support Pro-Life Rule: Your Comment Needed! On May 18, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, under President Trump’s instruction, proposed a new rule for the Title X (ten) family planning program. It will bar abortion providers like Planned Parenthood from receiving taxpayer funding through Title X. The new rule will redirect funds to […]
Wanted: Lifeguards

Our Curry County Right to Life chapter in Brookings led off ORTLEF’s summer full of events with a parade at the Azalea Festival. Curry County Right to Life’s float was adorned with a painted mother and child silhouette and the words “Be a lifesaver. Choose life.” Their amazing “Lifeguard for All” float was a replica […]
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