New ORTL Development Specialist Begins Making Impact

Oregon Right to Life

Independence resident Emily Everhart has a full plate, including an almost-full time job as a real estate agent and being a wife and mother. But she added on something else near and dear to her heart this past July: that of Oregon Right to Life’s newest development specialist. 

“I enjoy connecting with people who may not know much about abortion, as well as people who are passionate about the pro-life movement,” Everhart says. “I love connecting women and families with the resources they need.”

Connecting the community with resources is a top reason why Everhart was hired. In her official capacity, she assists the executive director in developing personal and lasting relationships with donors, managing internal and external communications like direct mail, telemarketing and major donor projects and assisting in grant proposals and reports. Everhart, age 29, also helps acquire sponsorships for ORTL events like A Night for Advocacy and Together We Advocate (see page 8).

“Emily has quickly applied her diverse experience and background knowledge to her position,” says Lois Anderson, ORTL’s executive director. “It’s exciting to have members of the post-Roe generation bring unique energy and perspective into our organization.”

That perspective has already led to “some really moving and impactful conversations with people in the community,” Everhart says. Thankfully, her success as a real estate agent has allowed her to work full-time at ORTL, “which was always the goal,” she explains.

In 2023, Everhart hopes to bring funds to areas that will further energize the pro-life movement while changing hearts and minds. Most importantly, she says, she wants her fellow Oregonians to know “that I do not come from a place of judgment, but a place of love and understanding.”

“I want women to have the support and resources, so that it makes abortion almost unthinkable,” she says.

Everhart can be reached at

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