Founders’ Circle 2022

Oregon Right to Life

The Board of Directors at Oregon Right to Life and the Oregon Right to Life Education Foundation are pleased to announce the 2022 members of the Founders’ Circle. In recognition of our 53rd year, members of the Circle include individuals, businesses and foundations who gave generously in 2022.

• Douglas and Starlena Addington

• Gerald and Judith Ahmann

• Reid and Pamela Amborn

• Art and Anastasia Anderson

• Carol Armstrong

• Michael and Jody Baccellieri

• Mark and Patricia Baker

• Jenelle Balzer-Ediger

• Mike and Kathy Basinger

• Ronald and Josephine Becker

• Robert and Holly Bennington

• June Biggs

• Randall and Jeanne Blome

• Robert and Judi Bobosky

• Brooks and Charissa Boedecker

• James and Teresa Bowers

• Craig and Cindy Brenton

• William Brodie

• Richard and Alyce Bush

• Frank and Debbi Canepa

• Barry and Denise Capps

• Ken and Lori Carter

• Bishop Liam Cary

• Ronna Chandler

• Mike and Lucynda Choi

• Paul and Christine Cieslak

• Michael and Gail Coleman

• Joe Collins

• Bryant Conger

• David and Teri Cools

• Chris and Barbara Creviston

• Tabitha and Douglas Day

• H. Grant and Debbie Spies

• Brent and Kristine Deines

• Ed Diehl

• Stephen and Annie Dillard

• Oliver and Marilyn Dillner

• Douglas and Jody Doornink

• Sam and Connie Dotson

• David and Brenda Duncombe

• Garold and Delores Dunning

• Thomas and Debra Fessler

• Matthew and April Filipenko

• Mark and Anita Flowers

• John and Sandra Fortmeyer

• Lee and Janet Frazier

• Daniel and Sandra Friedman

• Mary and Clifford Friesen

• Darrell Fuller

• Kathleen and David Gage

• Christine Goodall

• Matthew and Carolyn Goolsby

• Jeff and Kathy Goracke

• Ruth Gordon

• Donald and M J Gordon

• Julie Goss

• Jim and Jane Graybill

• Theodore and Judith Gregoire

• Kevin and Sharon Greig

• Bob and Debbie Gresham

• Justin and Meagan Hageman

• Richard and Linda Hallberg

• Jodi Hamm

• John and Erin Hargrove

• James and Madeline Harrison

• Timothy and Carolyn Hasenoehrl

• Kevin and Ann Hassett

• Kirk and Barbara Heath

• Edward and Cheryl Heaton

• John and Susan Heim

• James and Kathy Heitkemper

• Joseph and Snahal Hermens

• Audrey Hertel

• Charles and Sandra Hester

• Mark and Jennie Higgins

• Shan Hill

• Richard and Barbara Holder

• Elizabeth Hoover

• Robert and Tracy Huddleston

• Douglas and Gina Ingham

• Ronald and Patti Jacobs

• Betty Layton and James Ormond

• Jerome and Vicky Maurseth

• Michael and Juliet Kane

• Nancy Kasik

• M. Steven and Kathy Eldrige

• Steven and Janet Kaufman

• Jeremy and Celeste Keepers

• Mary Kent

• Gordon King

• Rick Kokel

• Larry and Annette Konnie

• Randal and Kristin Kosrow

• Richard and Joanna Kreitzberg

• Orval and Sabine Ladd

• James and Julie Larson

• Gregory and Lynn Leach

• Terry and Sheralyn Leavitt

• Donald and Kathleen LeBlanc

• Windy Leonis

• Bruce Ley

• Douglas and Kathleene Lindsey

• Dan and Jeanne Linscheid

• Tyler and Autumn Lulay

• Kevin and Susanna Mannix

• Dan and Rose Marie Goffin

• Dale Marino

• E. Wayne and Marna Fordice

• Bill and Kristin McCall

• Duane and Barbara McDougall

• Brian and Marie McLearn

• James McNie

• Gregg Mecham

• Alfred and Carla Meisner

• Matt and Lindsay Miadich

• George and Linda Middlekauff

• Arnold and Susan Miller

• Loren and Carol Miller

• Glen and Julie Mitzel

• Jeffrey and Christine Moresi

• Craig and Carol Morgan

• Wayne Muller

• Dan and Peggy Nafziger

• Gordon and Carol Neumann

• Randy and Kelly Nevins

• Wesley and Joan Nickodemus

• Leland and Jo Anne Nielsen

• Rocco and Terri Nordone

• Skeets and Kimberly Norquist

• Danny and Diane Nunley

• Mitchell, Julie and Mitch Pallotta

• Richard Parent

• Bill and Lori Peila

• Judy Perman

• F. Timothy and Anne Perri

• Joseph Perry

• Craig and Candace Peters

• Rev. Theodore Prentice

• Robin Prince

• Jon and Tracy Proud

• Rita Radich

• Everett and Amy Ragan

• Mike and Ruth Rava

• Stephen and Laurie Reiff

• Sharron Reynolds

• Richard and Sharon Riffle

• Vincent and Mary Rigert

• James Rivelli

• Michael and Dorothy Rodegerdts

• Mark and Julie Rodgers

• Randal and Carisa Rogers

• Nancy Rose

• Gordon and Dawn Royer

• Glenn and Joan Sage

• John and Winnie Savory

• Michelle Schaefer

• Becky and Daniel Schanz

• Scott and Marianne Schecklman

• Douglas Schmidt

• Robert Scott

• Al and Marylin Shannon

• Roger Sherman

• David and Joanne Sisney

• Keith and Valerie Sjodin

• Sean and Kelly Slater

• William and Judy Slavin

• Glen and Coleen Smith

• Wayne and Sharon Snoozy

• Judy Spearin

• Francis and Alice Stadelman

• Tamara Staunton

• George and Melva Stevens

• Merle and Grace Stutzman

• Marko Susnjara

• Rudy and Mary Taron

• Chris and Donna Taylor

• Stephen and Larissa Taylor

• Jeffrey and Elizabeth Thiede

• Cordes and Peggy Towle

• Randy and Karen Trass

• John Turnbull

• David and Leanne Van Essen

• Ryan and Shannon Van Oostrum

• Dean and Patricia Walter

• Jesse and Shannon Warkentin

• David Warther

• Timothy and Judith Welch

• Connie Whitmarsh

• Thomas and Marianne Wille

• Darrel and Gretchen Wiltrout

• William Winter

• Rhonda and Marshall Wolcott

• Paul and Betty Wolf


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