Federal Judge Places Injunction on Title X Rules

Sharolyn Smith

Salem, OR — Late Tuesday, April 23, U.S. District Judge Michael J. McShane said he would grant a preliminary injunction against the new Title X regulations which would require separation between abortion providers and Title X family planning clinics.

“The new Title X regulation reflects the original intent of the program: helping people plan their families,” says Lois Anderson, ORTL executive director. “It would ensure that family-planning funds go towards actual family-planning, not killing members of families.”

“Abortion is not healthcare nor is it family-planning,” says Anderson. “However, abortion is big business. Planned Parenthood performs almost 40 percent of abortions in the country. They have a financial interest in keeping Title X funding coming their way.”

The Supreme Court upheld these regulations in 1991 in Rust v. Sullivan, reflecting the laws prohibiting the use of federal dollars on abortion services.

“Not a dollar would be cut from family planning under these rules,” continues Anderson. “If Planned Parenthood refuses to comply, the money would go to the more than 13,500 federally-qualified healthcare clinics (FQHCs) around the nation. In Oregon alone, there are 24 FQHCs for every single Planned Parenthood clinic. The idea that there would be a dearth of providers should this rule take affect is an outright lie.”


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