HB 2217 Scheduled For Hearing

Sharolyn Smith

House Bill 2217, one of four bills this legislative session that would expand Oregon’s physician-assisted suicide law, has been scheduled for a public hearing on Tuesday, March 19 at 3:00 p.m. in room Hearing Room E. Oregon Right to Life opposes this bill.

Oregon’s physician-assisted suicide law contains a frightening loophole in which someone else could get away with administering the drugs to a helpless victim. HB 2217 expands this loophole by changing “taken” to “self-administer.”

“The word ‘taken’ was specifically chosen when the law was passed,” says Lois Anderson, ORTL executive director. “It was selected so that it was clear that it was a conscious individual picking up the medication, placing it in their mouth and swallowing it. The sponsors are changing the language specifically to broaden the application of the law.”

“There is no safety mechanism in place to ensure that another person isn’t the one administering the medication,” continued Anderson. “By adding ‘delivering by another method’ they are redefining the law to allow the drugs to be administered through an IV, feeding tube, injection, or even through a gas mask. And, potentially, by a person other than the patient themself.”

“HB 2217 would push Oregon closer to legalized euthanasia,” continued Anderson. “Oregon’s lawmakers have an obligation to protect their most vulnerable constituents. This bill is nothing short of reckless abandonment of both these citizens and their responsibilities as elected officials.”


  1. This change in wording is a total abdication of responsibility by law makers to all OREGON citizens. It should be tossed out immediately with no further consideration.
    It is a license for euthanasia…pure and simple.

  2. I vigorously oppose this law. It is too easy for a person too push a person to “self administer” or for someone else to administer the drug and say it was self administered.
    With the easing of getting rid of “unwanted” children now we are doing it on the other end of life. Soon it will be only those of the elite or in power who have the right to live.
    Only God has the right to make these decisions.

  3. It is a terrible law already. Adding to this makes one afraid of the doctors/hospitals.
    Vote NO on HB 2217

  4. At least, under the present law, a patient had to pick up and place the death pill in his own mouth. Now this bill proposes to allow the poison to be administered by IV, feeding tube or injection….and all done by a second party. This legislation would be considered fiendish and unacceptable in any civilized society.
    Please table or reject House Bill 2217 in committee!

    Respectfully submitted, Alan Clark Miller
    Silverton, Oregon

  5. This is completely wrong. It’s inmoral and should not be allowed. No one should play God and decide how’s to live and how’s to die. This state has enough problems, don’t make it the death state too. This makes it easy for other people or family members to decide that their parent or grandparent or even child has suffered enough and just kill them off and say it’s better this way. Stop these bills from being passed, OR does not need it want it to pass.

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