Four Pieces of Pro-Life Legislation Introduced

Sharolyn Smith

Hundreds of thousands of Oregonians believe life should be legally protected from conception to natural death. This legislative session we have been working with pro-life legislators to introduce bills that would bring Oregon closer to the vision we share to protect life. Please contact your legislators and urge them to support these bills. To use our simple tool, please click here.

Fetal Tissue Research Ban: House Bill 3060 prohibits an entity from soliciting, acquiring, receiving, transporting, implanting, processing, preserving, storing, or accepting money for aborted babies’ body parts. A violation of this law will result in a Class C felony fine.

20-Week Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act: House Bill 3053 prohibits an abortionist from performing an abortion if the child is at 20 weeks gestation or older. Science has shown that babies at this stage of development feel pain from these horrific late-term abortions.

Sex-Selective Abortion Ban: House Bill 3048 prohibits an abortion sought because of the gender of the baby. It also allows civil action for damages against the abortionist who performs a sex-selective abortion.

Conscience Protection Bill: Senate Bill 923 protects employees working in the medical field, as well as  medical students, from discrimination by their superiors for refusing to participate in life-ending procedures such as abortion, physician-assisted suicide, or withholding food and water. The bill also gives the pro-life advocate the right to sue if their superior violates their conscience rights.

All four bills move Oregon closer towards establishing legal protections for the unborn and protecting our pro-life beliefs. Please contact legislators and ask them to support these pieces of legislation.



  1. This House Bill 2217, has added very dangerous loop hole, I feel should be voted down, do to respect to every human person living, otherwise we will each become less human our selves.

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