Title X rule goes into effect

Sharolyn Smith

Today, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announced a final rule to restore Title X family planning regulations to prohibit grantees from co-locating with abortion businesses, or from referring clients for abortion.

“We are glad that President Trump and HHS Secretary Azar are reinstating laws to protect Americans,” says Lois Anderson, ORTL executive director. “The rule does not cut family planning funding. It ensures that Title X facilities do not perform or promote abortion under the guise of family planning.”

“Abortion is not birth control, nor it is family planning,” continued Anderson. “It is not the prevention of new humans being created; it is the destruction of those already living.”

In July 2018, Governor Kate Brown threatened to remove Oregon from the Title X program, jeopardizing the healthcare of 50,000 Oregonians, if the rule was instated.

It is estimated that the new rule could redirect 10% of the federal funding Planned Parenthood currently receives to federally-qualified healthcare clinics who do not perform abortions. Planned Parenthood could, of course, choose to comply with the rules and retain the funding.

The rule will take effect in 60 days. After that, clinics have 120 days to financially separate their family planning and abortion operations. They will have one year to physically separate them.

For media inquiries or interviews, please contact Liberty Pike, ORTL communications director, through our contact form.


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