Please join us as we return to Pioneer Courthouse Square in the heart of downtown Portland for our annual gathering to commemorate the forty-fifth anniversary of the Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion on demand. Given the current political climate, we are planning for a large turnout and are encouraging all pro-lifers to join us and stand for life.
Speakers include Students for Life Regional Director Nichole Bentz, Archbishop Alexander Sample, and oratory winner Karli Olson.

Events in other communities
Clark County: January 19. 1 pm to 2 pm on front steps of Clark County Courthouse in Vancouver, 1200 Franklin St. 360-831-7542.
Deschutes County: January 20. 9 am to 12:30 pm at St. Francis Catholic Church in Bend. 2450 NE 27th St.
Douglas County: January 21. Meet at Roseburg’s Mercy Medical Center statue at 2 pm. Baby shower follows at Seventh Day Adventist Church.
Jackson County: January 22. Ticketed event at Bethel Church in Medford at 7 pm. Call 541-821-4773.
Josephine County: January 21. Josephine County Courthouse on B St. in Grants Pass. March to Riverside Park Pavilion.
Klamath County: January 22 at noon. Klamath County Government Center, 305 Main St., Klamath Falls.
Pendleton: January 21. Numerous churches participating. Knights of Columbus pancake breakfast at St. Mary’s Catholic Church. 541-276-1540.
Salem: January 22. Candlelight vigil at 6 pm at Salem Planned Parenthood, 3825 Wolverine NE. 503-585-7856.
Union County: January 18. 5:30 pm at corner of 4th and Adams Ave in Max Square, downtown La Grande.
For information, call 503-463-8563 or visit
January 12, 2018
Corvallis – Oakville Presbyterian Church, Shedd
January 12, 2018
Corvallis – Oakville Presbyterian Church, Shedd
Roe v. Wade Memorial & March
January 14, 2018
2:30 p.m.
Portland – Pioneer Courthouse Square
January 14, 2018
2:30 p.m.
Portland – Pioneer Courthouse Square
Camp Joshua
March 25-28, 2018
Salem, Oregon
March 25-28, 2018
Salem, Oregon
ORTL Conference
April 7, 2018
Portland, Oregon
Information on page 4.
April 7, 2018
Portland, Oregon
Information on page 4. Gala Dinner
May 8, 2018
Salem – Willamette Heritage Center
May 8, 2018
Salem – Willamette Heritage Center Gala Dinner
May 22, 2018
Portland – Oregon Golf Club,
West Linn
May 22, 2018
Portland – Oregon Golf Club,
West Linn
All Foundation dinner events begin at 6 p.m. For information, call 503-304-1531 or visit
Attend Camp Joshua!
Pro-Life Leadership Camp
March 25-28, 2018 • Salem, Oregon
Open to students ages 16 to 21
Open to students ages 16 to 21
“After attending Camp Joshua, I gained more confidence and am able to explain to people why abortion is wrong.” Katelyn Alvarez
Application deadline is February 23, 2018 Visit Camp J event page