Late-Term Abortion: A Tragic “Solution”

“I hear you are going to have a boy. Congratulations! Unfortunately, after reviewing your ultrasound, there are a few concerning images.” Those were the words Samantha Williams and countless other parents have heard following their 20-week ultrasounds. The 20-week ultrasound appointment lasts between an hour and an hour and a half. The technician measures every […]
Poll Shows 70% of Oregonians Oppose Late-Term Abortions

Oregon Right to Life surveyed 500 likely Oregon general election voters over January 28-29, 2018. The results of the statewide poll show 70% opposition to late-term abortions. Only 36% of Democrats still support late-term abortions. The 2018 legislative short session began on February 5th. Oregon Right to Life supports two late-term unborn child protection bills […]
Woman Dies Following an Abortion

Keisha Marie Atkins, 23, died on February 4, 2017 at University of New Mexico (UNM) Hospital following a four-day late-term abortion procedure in Albuquerque at Southwestern Woman’s Options, the nation’s largest abortion facility that openly specializes in abortions throughout all nine months of pregnancy. Atkins went to the abortion facility on January 31, 2017 to […]
Tagged abortion deathlate term abortionnew mexico