From an Advocate: I’m a Pro-Life Democrat

When Milwaukie resident Heather Wakem was a teenager, she volunteered as a Planned Parenthood telephone fundraiser. She came from a staunchly Democratic family, after all, and working for the pro-choice cause was only natural. “One of the things I appreciate about the Democratic Party is a reverence for science and fact,” Wakem says. “With a […]
DNC 2016 and the Pro-Life Issue

If you read Lois’s blog last week about the Republican National Convention, you’ll know that the GOP adopted its most pro-life platform in history. Unfortunately, not long after this pro-life victory, America watched the Democratic National Convention (DNC) adopt its most pro-abortion party platform ever. In 1996, their platform mentioned abortion one time. This year’s […]
Tagged abortiondavid daleidendemocratic partyelection 2016exposing planned parenthoodplanned parenthoodpoliticspro-life democrats