Fact Sheet: What is Chemical Abortion?

Chemical abortions are carried out through a two-drug regimen and currently make up more that 50% of all abortions nationwide.

US Supreme Court Rejects Case Against Abortion Pill Mifepristone

The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday rejected a case brought by pro-life medical professionals challenging the loosening of guardrails on mifepristone.

‘Appalling and Dangerous’: Radical Group Helps Women in Pro-Life States Get Chemical Abortions

A group of activists is distributing birth control and abortion access resources to women in Idaho and other pro-life states…

US Supreme Court to Hear Oral Arguments In Abortion Drug Case

The U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments Tuesday in a closely watched case that could roll back the FDA’s radical expansion…

FDA Expands Chemical Abortion Availability

Salem, Ore.—On Tuesday, January 3, the FDA finalized a rule expanding the availability of chemical abortion pills. The rule-change makes President Biden’s pandemic-related policy permanent, and expands it to allow virtually any pharmacy to dispense abortion pills without in-person screening. “One of the most fundamental roles of our government is to protect its citizens. The […]
