OR Legislators Move to Allow Starving, Dehydrating the Mentally Ill

Senate Bill 494, recently introduced in the Oregon Legislature, would allow the starving and dehydrating of patients who suffer from dementia or mental illness. A perfect illustration of the danger this bill presents can be seen in a situation involving an Ashland resident named Nora Harris who suffered from Alzheimer’s disease. After moving into a […]

Why We Need You to be a Lobbyist

daivid kilada

Lobbyists are not popular in America. If there’s a list of professions that we tend to look down on, they rank somewhere up there with door-to-door salesmen and IRS agents (my apologies to both groups). But when you boil it down, you discover that any politically engaged citizen is no less a lobbyist than the […]

Wanted: Pro-lifers Serving on School Boards

daivid kilada

Sometimes it seems like all political change originates from the White House, Congress, or even the State Capitol. It is true that last year’s election results give the pro-life cause excellent opportunities to pass pro-life legislation in Washington, D.C. Pro-life champion Dennis Richardson’s election as Oregon’s new Secretary of State is an amazing statewide victory. […]

Pro-Life Bills Introduced in Oregon Legislature

Although Oregon Right to Life is battling bad legislation on many fronts during the 2017 Oregon Legislative Session, there are also several good bills worth your support.  Here are the top pro-life bills introduced so far and how you can help them become law!  HB 2125: The Pregnant Women’s Assistance Fund   Representative Bill Post has […]

They’re Back! Legislators Move to Force All Insurance Plans to Cover Abortions, Even for Churches

Do you remember Senate Bill 894?  During the 2015 Legislative Session, Oregon legislators introduced this bill which would have forced churches to pay for abortions in their insurance plans.  With the help of pro-life activists across the state, Oregon Right to Life was able to defeat this terrible bill.  Unfortunately, a variation of this legislation is […]