Pro-Life Bills Introduced in Oregon Legislature

David Kilada

Although Oregon Right to Life is battling bad legislation on many fronts during the 2017 Oregon Legislative Session, there are also several good bills worth your support.  Here are the top pro-life bills introduced so far and how you can help them become law! 

HB 2125: The Pregnant Women’s Assistance Fund
Representative Bill Post has introduced HB 2125, which would establish the Pregnant Women’s Assistance Fund. This bill will direct the money currently being spent by the Oregon Health Authority for reimbursing abortions into this new fund.  The money in the fund would be granted to private non-profits who primarily use the money to encourage pregnant women in carrying their pregnancies to term. These organizations must offer non-abortion related services to clients, such as information on fetal development, medical care, nutrition, adoption services, parenting education and more.  For more details and to ask your State Representative to support this bill, please click here!

HB 2588 and SB 541: Banning late-term sex-selective abortions

House Bill 2588 would ban third trimester abortions in Oregon that are undertaken solely because of the known or suspected gender of the unborn child.  This bill is sponsored by Reps. Sherrie Sprenger and Duane Stark.  To take action on this bill, please click here!


SB 541 is an identical version of this bill but has been introduced in the Senate by State Senator Kim Thatcher.  To contact your State Senator about this bill, please click here!


The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act

Studies published in the New England Journal of Medicine show that as early as five months into a pregnancy a baby is sufficiently developed to feel pain. This piece of legislation will stop abortions at or after 20 weeks, ending painful abortions for good.  This bill has been drafted and we are currently gathering signatures from legislators who will sign on as sponsors of the bill.  Please stay tuned for updates in the coming weeks!

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  1. thank you for keeping me updated on this. I can’t attend because of physical limitations, but am encouraged reading about this. Please be sure to give a report on what happened there.

    Ruth Radmacher

  2. I will not be able to attend because I am not in the USA at this time!! My prayers are with all of you!!! I will be there next year!! Planned parenthood must be closed and natural family planning introduced to the young people!!! We need moralities back!! They have been missing a very long time!!! Blessings and strength to each of you!!!!

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