The autumn 40 Days for Life campaign ran from September 28 to November 6. This peaceful prayer vigil outside abortion facilities around the globe is proven to save lives. There were 622 campaigns worldwide this fall with at least 500 babies saved — and that’s only the ones campaign leaders know about!
One of those lives was saved at the Salem campaign outside Planned Parenthood on Wolverine Street. Volunteers with 40 Days for Life spoke with a young woman who was going into the building to have an abortion. More than two hours later, she left the building, telling those on the sidewalk that she had decided against having the fetal-heart-stopping procedure.
There were sobering moments, too. On Friday, November 5, around 11 a.m., a firetruck and ambulance responded to a call at the same Planned Parenthood. This obvious medical emergency is a reminder of what we already know: abortion endangers women.
But when campaigns like 40 Days for Life establish a peaceful presence outside abortion facilities, as many as 75 percent of appointments will not be kept. Of the American abortion facilities that have closed their doors after a 40 Days for Life campaign, 45 percent have been in abortion-friendly states. A pro-life presence outside abortion facilities makes a difference.

Ambulance at Salem Planned Parenthood