Yes, The Abortion Industry Is Still Targeting Your Schools

Sharolyn Smith

Political Director

In the most recent school board election, Oregon Right to Life Political Action Committee (PAC) made it our goal to elect more pro-life school board members. We did so because Planned Parenthood and NARAL continue to push the abortion agenda in our schools. Here are just a few of the many ways the abortion industry has targeted schools across the state:

Until 2015, Planned Parenthood enjoyed a contract with the school district to teach students at North Salem and McKay High schools. When this inappropriate relationship between abortion providers and students became known, parents had to petition the school board for several years to ensure this contract ended and did not return.

Planned Parenthood performs abortions a few blocks from McKay High School in Salem. Under Oregon law, a minor can get an abortion at any stage of pregnancy, and she can do it on her parents’ insurance plan for free without notifying her parent(s). There is no law preventing a Planned Parenthood employee from encouraging a child to get an abortion, or even from driving the minor to an abortion clinic.

In 2017, Planned Parenthood backed a slate of four candidates to take control of the Hillsboro school board. Those candidates won and allowed their school-based health center to provide birth control to students without parental notification or authorization. 

Pro-abortion organizations NARAL Pro-Choice Oregon and Planned Parenthood published pro-abortion voter guides. They endorsed a combined 40 pro-abortion candidates across the state. Many of these candidates ran unopposed by a pro-life candidate and won.

Planned Parenthood has provided manpower and money to candidates and allied organizations, paying people to canvass neighborhoods asking voters to support their pro-abortion candidates.

These are just a few reasons why it is so important that at least 21 pro-life school board candidates were elected as of press time in the recent May election. We at Oregon Right to Life will continue to push back on the pro-abortion agenda in our schools, thanks to your continued support and partnership.


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