FDA: Stop Internet Sales of Abortion Drug

Sharolyn Smith

This week, Oregon Right to Life joined dozens of leaders around the country in a letter to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) commissioner, Dr. Stephen Hahn, urging him to take action to stop the illegal internet sale of abortion-inducing drugs, manufactured overseas and shipped into the U.S.

Under the FDA’s Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS), the abortion drug Mifeprex or generic mifepristone cannot legally be sold in pharmacies or online due to the risk of serious complications – but website domains such as AidAccess and Rablon that sell and distribute abortion-inducing drugs continually fail to comply with REMS requirements.

“We urge the FDA to take decisive action to protect American women from dangerous abortion drugs entering the United States illegally,” says Lois Anderson, ORTL executive director. “The extremists who operate these websites place women’s lives at risk every day they continue to operate.”

The letter reads in part: 

“We appreciate that the FDA is seriously defending the necessary safeguards contained in the Mifeprex REMS litigation. These safeguards are meaningless, however, if opportunistic entities can sell abortion-inducing drugs over the internet with impunity. We urge the FDA to act now to stop this predatory and dangerous practice.”


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