Action Alert

Sharolyn Smith

Oregon State Capitol Building

Support SB 1523 and HB 4048

Please urge your legislators to support SB 1523 the Born-Alive Infants Protection bill andHB 4048 the 20-Week Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection bill.

Oregon currently has zero protections for a baby in the womb or a baby born alive during an abortion procedure. These bills would help close those gaps and move Oregon closer toward our shared vision of protecting life from conception to natural death. 

HB 4048 prohibits an abortion provider from performing an abortion if the child is at 20 weeks gestation or older. If violated, the abortion provider’s license would be subject to review by the Oregon Health Authority. 

SB 1523 requires abortion providers to take care of a child born during an abortion in the same way as any other baby would be treated. The bill also requires that a child born during an abortion be immediately transported and admitted to a hospital for care. 

The 2020 short legislative session is only 35 days long. This means everything is on a compressed timeline. To illustrate just how quickly things can move, here are all the deadlines our bills must meet in order to become law.

• The first day of session is February 3.

• Bills must have a public hearing held and a work session scheduled in its assigned first chamber committee by February 7. This gives four days for a committee chair to schedule bills for work sessions.

• Bills must be voted out of the first chamber committee by February 13.

• Bills must have a work session scheduled in the second chamber committee February 20.

• Bills must be voted out of the second chamber committee February 25.

• The constitutional last day of session is March 8. 

Time is extremely limited during the 2020 session. Please contact your legislators today asking them to support the Born-Alive Infants Protection bill and the 20-Week Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection bill.

Please sign up at to learn how you can contact your legislators to urge passage of this critical legislation to protect life. You can also call our office or email to receive an update and information.


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