Congressman Greg Walden Announces Retirement

Sharolyn Smith

Political Director

At the end of October, Congressman Greg Walden announced he will not be seeking re-election. He has served as the congressional representative from House District 2 since 1998.

Representative Greg Walden has a strong pro-life voting record and was endorsed in 2018 by the National Right to Life Committee. In 2017 he voted in favor of H.R. 36, the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. He also voted for H.R. 4712, the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, in 2018.

Representative Walden is the only member of Oregon’s congressional delegation with a pro-life voting record. As such, electing his replacement will be one of the most critical races on the ballot for Oregonians in 2020. Without a pro-life member of Congress, pro-life advocates and the unborn alike will have no representation in Congress.

Thankfully, Congressional District 2 is strongly pro-life. Oregon Right to Life PAC is already working extremely hard to ensure that this district will have the strongest possible pro-life representation. The pro-life advocate who wins the May primary election is likely to be the most visible advocate for life in the entire state. We are weighing all the options and will work diligently to help elect the best possible candidate.

To support our work electing pro-life candidates, please give your political tax credit donation today on our website!


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