Shopping and Saving Lives

Sharolyn Smith

There is a way that you can give to our education foundation by simply doing something you probably already do every week … shopping! If you shop at Fred Meyer or Amazon, you can advocate for life in Oregon at no cost to you.

Fred Meyer Community Rewards
If you are a current Fred Meyer Rewards member, go online to, click on “re-enroll or link your rewards card now,” login, enter our organization number, VU744, or search by name, and click “enroll.” When you shop, a percentage of your purchase will now be donated to us when you enter your rewards information.

If you are not currently a Fred Meyer Rewards member, you can ask any cashier or at the customer service desk. They can help you get signed up. You can begin earning rewards with your first purchase. Once enrolled, follow the steps above to designate ORTLEF to receive your Community Rewards.

If you shop on Amazon, sign up for Amazon Smile to donate 0.5% of your eligible purchases to ORTLEF.

For your first time, visit and follow the easy instructions. Search for “Oregon Right to Life Education Foundation” for your chosen charity. After signing up, always complete your Amazon purchase through to donate.

You can still shop through the Amazon app and fill your basket, but don’t check out on the app. Open your mobile browser and go to Your basket will be there, ready for you to quickly check out!


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