Jane Groff Retires

Sharolyn Smith

Jane Groff retired in June 2019 after nearly 30 years on the Oregon Right to Life staff. Jane began her pro-life work in Oregon as a member of the Corvallis chapter in the early 1980s. She quickly became involved in chapter projects. Over the years she has served in many volunteer and paid positions.

These positions have included serving on our political action committee board and the Oregon Right to Life Board of Directors, and working as assistant director. She has also been a driving force behind our annual dinner and auction which raises funds for our education foundation.

When asked to comment on her retirement, Jane said: “Throughout my time working with ORTL both as a volunteer and as an employee, the best part of my job, besides trying to make a difference to individuals and the values of society, was the people I got to work with, both staff and hundreds of volunteers. Pro-life people are incredible!”

“Jane’s heart for our dedicated and sacrificial volunteers across the state has been evident throughout her life,” said Lois Anderson, ORTL executive director. “We can think of no better way to honor her service than to provide some financial assistance to those whose registration and travel costs to events present a financial difficulty.” To that end, a fund has been set up in Jane’s honor. It will be used to assist community-based volunteers in attending Oregon Right to Life’s events.

If you would like, you can donate to the fund by check or online. Please make the check payable to “Oregon Right to Life Education Foundation” and write “Jane Groff Fund” in the memo line. If you donate online at ortl.org/donate, click “ORTLEF” and add “Jane Groff Fund” in the comments.


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