Supreme Courts Takes Up Louisiana Pro-Life Case

Sharolyn Smith

Friday, October 4, the Supreme Court of the United States agreed to consider Louisiana’s 2014 pro-life law. It required abortion providers have admitting privileges at hospitals no further than 30 miles away.

“In 2016, a similar law in Texas was overturned by SCOTUS,” says Lois Anderson, ORTL executive director. “We are hopeful that this time the Supreme Court will allow states their constitutional right to self-governance, which should include protecting developing babies and their mothers.”

Oregon does not require that abortion providers be licensed medical doctors. Nurse practitioners and licensed nurse midwives can perform abortions until the moment of birth here in Oregon.

“Legal abortion is not ‘safe,'” continued Anderson. “In every single abortion, at least one innocent, developing human loses their life. And, as Kermit Gosnell taught us, women are also in very real danger in abortion clinics today. Even non-surgical medication abortions, via RU-486, have caused over 4,200 adverse reactions, 1,042 hospitalizations, and 24 deaths. Requiring admitting privileges is common sense.”



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