We need you to be courageous this year!

Sharolyn Smith

Courage is defined as the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, or pain; to be without fear; bravery.

We are asking that you look to our creator and within and embrace the courage that is within each of you.

This year we want you to be bold and compassionate, bolstered by our belief that every Oregonian has a right to life from conception to natural death.

Your courageousness turns into action two ways, by being bold and by being compassionate.

We need you to be bold and contact your legislators, even if they do not share our same values. It is important that we inform them why they need to vote no on a life-ending bill.

It takes bold advocates to keep informing legislators why they must vote down a deadly bill. Contacting legislators who are not pro-life may make you feel like your words are landing on deaf ears, but it is crucial that we keep calling and emailing. We have a very effective tool that we use to connect you directly to your legislators. All you have to do is text “ORTL” to the number 52886. We will send you a text message about things happening in the legislature and you can take direct action from the text.

We ask that you are bold in this way because we know the power that one voice can have and when we unite with a larger voice there is a multitude of miracles that can happen.

We are also asking that you are compassionate and advocate for your neighbors.

Because of the past legal changes, we will begin to see the impact of the laws affecting Oregonians. It is crucial that we stay alert. Within your spheres of influence, older loved ones or pregnant women may be pressured into making a decision they regret.

Our movement is fueled by compassion and a great way to carry that out is to volunteer to attend medical appointments. Having an objective person present, to advocate if necessary will help stop persuasive arguments to push people into making decisions they do not agree with.

Our office is always available if you need help finding the right resource. From 9 am to 5 pm you can call 503-463-8563 and speak to someone who will help you.

It will require all of us advocating together to make a difference and protect all vulnerable Oregonians from conception to natural death. Our hope is that you will be courageous with us this year.


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