Trump The Most Pro-life President?

Sharolyn Smith

Political Director
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The leader of the national pro-life organization Family Research Council believes that President Trump is on target to become the most pro-life president ever. FRC President Tony Perkins points to Trump’s fulfilling of his campaign promises. Perkins says he has “gone beyond stopping the pro-abortion policies of Barack Obama and is restoring and even expanding the pre-Obama pro-life policies.”

In his first year, President Trump appointed Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court and several pro-lifers to his cabinet. He reinstated the Mexico City Policy defunding International Planned Parenthood, defunded the United Nations Population Fund due to China’s forced abortion policies, took steps to roll back the HHS mandate, and promised to sign certain pieces of pro-life legislation if passed by Congress.

More recently, in January 2018, Trump launched a new division within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to protect doctors and nurses who don’t want to perform abortions. The Conscience and Religious Freedom Division will enforce federal laws protecting civil rights and conscience by enforcing existing statutory conscience protections for Americans who have religious or moral convictions related to certain health care services, including abortion. [See article on page 6.]

Also in January, the Trump administration made it easier for states to defund Planned Parenthood by rolling back Obama administration regulations that forced states to make Medicaid reimbursement payments to Planned Parenthood or be out of compliance with federal law. Now, Medicaid dollars can go to local community health centers rather than the scandal-ridden billion-dollar abortion industry.

In mid-March, President Trump named Mike Pompeo, currently the Director of Central Intelligence, as his new Secretary of State. Pompeo has a long record of supporting pro-life legislation and his nomination earned immediate praise from pro-life advocates. Pompeo opposes using tax dollars to pay for abortions and fund Planned Parenthood. Family Research Council President Tony Perkins says Pompeo “will be the desperately needed agent of change at State.”


  1. Trump has given us, those that have been living silently in our “closet” of conservatism, to have HOPE and courage to stand up for the “dignity of Life”. All life.

    We have lived silently, as to not offend others, while letting others tread on the foundational Christian beliefs we hold dear. I will be silent no more. I will stand up for the right of all those living, even in their mothers womb, to be treated with kindness and compassion; protected and loved.

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