PRESS RELEASE: Senator Kruse Betrays His Constituents

Sharolyn Smith

Political Director

Senator Kruse Betrays His Constituents, Votes for Senate Bill 494

Salem, Ore–Today Senator Jeff Kruse, who has long been endorsed by Oregon Right to Life PAC as being “pro-life,” put an end to his pro-life ethic. Disregarding more than a thousand emails and phone calls from his own constituents, as well as detailed conversations with Oregon Right to Life lobbyists, Senator Kruse voted in favor of SB 494.

SB 494, a carefully crafted bill written by insurance lobbyists and right-to-die proponents, will allow surrogates to withhold food and hydration from mentally ill and dementia patients. Senator Kruse steadfastly maintained there was a lot of “misinformation” being spread about the bill, intimating that the misinformation was coming from Oregon Right to Life. Oregon Right to Life’s lawyers, as well as many other lawyers, have carefully scrutinized the bill and stand by the intent of the bill: to change the power of the surrogate from NOT being able to remove food and water from a conscious, non-dying patient to now being able to make that deadly decision.

“Senator Kruse has abandoned his pro-life principles and betrayed his constituents who voted for him on that basis,” said Gayle Atteberry, Oregon Right to Life executive director. “We regret that Senator Kruse was the only Republican who chose to listen to anti-life Senate Democrats instead of his own constituents.”


  1. Give us more information on the “names” of insurance lobbyists and right-to-die proponents. I am shocked that one angry person could make such a personal wish blossom into such a huge catastrophe for so many vulnerable citizens. If the Oregon bill passes, this bill will spread to other states, obviously spread by the same insurance and right-to-die proponents.

    What Political Action Pacs, Conservative Legal groups, and Conservative 501(c) 3 or 4) organizations can we tap? Every conservative radio talk show host should be notified.

    We need to bully the liberals right back with names of who authored SB 494, who voted for the bill, and those lobbyists who moved the bill forward, (and, what actions, promises, they made to have the senators vote yes.

    Kate Foley

  2. One more thought: I have repeatedly called the Oregon Alzheimer’s Association and specifically asked what their position is on SB 494. Someone was supposed to respond the next day. No response. I have since called Sara Kaufman , Public Policy Director, but have been unable to actually speak to her. Does anyone at ORTL know the State or National Alzheimer’s position on SB 494? I think they would have weighed in on this significant issue regarding the very people they represent.

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