From Our New Latino Outreach Director

Sharolyn Smith

Political Director

“Margot, how could you be part of a party that doesn’t even respect life?” Mary* asked, upset.

These words will forever remain in my mind and heart. I was the leader of the minority caucus of the Idaho Young Democrats. I was only trying to do what was right. My parents had immigrated to the U.S. from Mexico, sacrificing a lot so my siblings and I would have more opportunities. I only wanted others to have the same experience.

PDX Walk for Life 2016
PDX Walk for Life 2016

When she was very young, Mary had a forced abortion at Planned Parenthood. She didn’t even know Planned Parenthood was an abortion facility. The nurses insisted that it was the best for her and her boyfriend’s future. Mary conceded. While they prepped her for the procedure, she saw the ultrasound from the corner of her eye, and in it, her child. She begged the nurse to stop. The nurse pressured her. She was probably worried she’d be fired if anyone found out her patient had seen the ultrasound.

To this day, Mary hurts and pines for her lost child. Her story, tragic and painful, ignited a fire inside of me. The pro-life cause is the most important cause to fight for because without the right to life any opportunity for a brilliant future is completely obliterated. My hero, Saint John Paul II, also affirms the value of pro-life work: “It is impossible to further the common good without acknowledging and defending the right to life, upon which all other inalienable rights of individuals are founded and from which they develop.”

United we will make abortion unthinkable. My mission is to increase communication about pro-life issues in Latino communities. I plan to hold workshops all over Oregon and increase the pro-life presence on digital platforms; creating more advocates for children in the womb and strengthening existent advocates. I ask that if you have any contacts in the Latino community that would like to be a part of this mission, please send them my way. Also, if anyone has requests or suggestions to reach the Latino community in your own community, I would be more than happy to hear from you. I look forward to meeting and working with you all.

*Mary’s name was changed to protect her privacy. You can reach Margot by emailing


  1. Let us pray that Margot is successful.
    How so many millions in our Nation choose the Progressive path is mind numbing. To accept that a baby can be torn apart and discarded like leftovers leaves me with great sorrow. How inhuman have we become? May God have mercy.

  2. …how can you be part of a party that doesn’t even respect life? Great question. I will pray that your efforts to change lives is fruitful.

  3. This is an amazing story. I would love to learn how I could be a part of this new program and chapter in the ORTL community.

  4. Look at the Republican and Democrat platforms to see the stark difference between the two parties on this issue. It is a choice for life or death.

    1. What Margot is doing has been long waiting for. Count me in to help the Wilsonville Community.

  5. Margot is on fire for Life. We are very lucky to have her in this new role for Oregon. Looking forward to January 15th for the Roe v Wade Memorial Rally when Margot can be introduced to Pro-Life Oregonians.

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