
Sharolyn Smith

Rallies. Protests. Counter-protests. Oregon communities have had plenty of these this summer, with more on the way. What are they all about?

Undercover videos. In June, the Center for Medical Progress began releasing investigative videos garnered in conversations with high-ranking national leaders of Planned Parenthood Federation of America. The discussions revealed that many Planned Parenthood abortion clinics across America were involved in trafficking in aborted babies parts. Planned Parenthood maintains that the videos are deceptive and have been altered. However, in testimony before a House Congressional committee on Sept 29, a report  by the internationally respected cyber security and forensic company, Coalfire Systems, stated the videos are authentic and the only edits in the videos consisted of bathroom breaks and time eating meals. Rather than take anyone’s word for it, interested Americans can view the videos for themselves at www.centerformedicalprogress.org

“Fetal tissue” vs “baby parts”. Cecile Richards, CEO of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, in her House Congressional testimony on Sept 29, affirmed that some abortion facilities provide “fetal tissue” for research and that she is “proud” of this fact.  However, in the videos,  Planned Parenthood officials always refer to this “fetal tissue” in terms as “hearts”, “livers”, “brains”, “gonads”, “spinal cords”, ‘eyes”,  etc. In video number ten, Dr. Carolyn Westhoff, senior medical adviser for Planned Parenthood, proudly guarantees, “Everything we provide is fresh.”

“Selling” vs “cost remuneration”.  According to federal law, it is illegal to sell human body parts. Planned Parenthood publicly maintains that the exchange of money is merely to recoup costs. However, in numerous videos, Planned Parenthood officials are engrossed in conversations about how much they would be paid “per specimen.” They express great concern that word of what they are doing will get out, saying they must be very careful and not leave a paper trail.  In video ten, Deb VanDerhei, national director of the Consortium of Planned Parenthood Abortion Providers claims that some affiliates generate much additional income on the sale of human organs from aborted babies. Vanesso Russo, Compliance Program Administer for Planned Parenthood, Keystone stated, ‘If someone wants to give an organization money for the tissue, I think that is a valid exchange”, as  Ms. VanDerhei nods in agreement.

Is this happening in Oregon? – In video eight, Perrin Larton, Procurement Manager for Advanced BioScience Resources, one of the companies which partners with abortion clinics to obtain baby parts and sells them to researchers,  lists Oregon as one of the numerous states which provides body parts. Oregon Right to Life has confirmed that that Lovejoy Surgicenter in Portland (not part of Planned Parenthood) sends fetal parts to Advanced Bioscience Research (ABR) in California. Volunteers were peacefully protesting outside the clinic when a woman handed them an envelope with material she had obtained inside the abortion clinic. It included a flier from ABR saying that Lovejoy was partnered with them, and encouraged women to donate their “fetal tissue” to help advance science.  ABR’s fee schedule includes “First Trimester cadaverous specimens for $550” and “Second Trimester cadaverous specimens for $340.”

Oregon Health and Science University has admitted that it buys placentas from first trimester abortions from Planned Parenthood of Columbia-Willamette. Is Columbia-Willamette also selling the remaining baby parts?

Abortion rights in jeopardy. The selling of baby parts is a narrow issue and not connected with banning abortion. While many believe that a woman should have a right to abortion, very few would agree that right extends to having the baby dissected into pieces and auctioned to the highest bidder.

Women’s health care. Planned Parenthood loudly complains that if the federal government discontinues its more than $500 million annual payments to the organization, women would be left without healthcare. While Planned Parenthood provides some services for women, they do not provide complete healthcare, including mammograms. During Cecile Richard’s testimony before Congress, she admitted that no Planned Parenthood clinic has a mammogram machine. While at present it is highly unlikely Planned Parenthood will be defunded, even legislators who want to defund the organization, merely want to redirect the federal dollars to the 13,540 community health centers around the United States that actually provide a complete range of health care for low-income women. There are six such centers in Lane County; there is only one Planned Parenthood.

As the nation’s largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood had access to 327,000 aborted babies and all of their “parts” last year. If they can “double dip”, by charging for the abortion, and then for baby parts, it is clear that money motivates them to arrange supportive rallies.

Next time you have an opportunity to participate in a pro-life rally, do so and let the truth be shown to your community!

This article by Gayle Atteberry was printed in the Eugene Register Guard on October 6th.


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