Lovejoy Surgicenter Provides Fetal Tissue to ABR

Sharolyn Smith

Political Director

abr-partner3Portland, OR–Oregon Right to Life has now confirmed that that Lovejoy Surgicenter in Portland retrieves fetal parts from abortions and sends them to Advanced Bioscience Research (ABR) in California. In one of the Center for Medical Progress videos about Planned Parenthood and the fetal tissue procurement “industry,” Perrin Larton, procurement manager for ABR, mentioned they had abortion businesses in Oregon sending them fetal parts (4:35 mark). It is clear that Lovejoy is one of those businesses.

Volunteers were peacefully protesting outside the clinic when a woman handed them an envelope. Inside was some of the material she had received from the business, including a flier from ABR saying that Lovejoy was partnered with them.View the pamphlet plus ABR’s fee schedule here.

Gayle Atteberry, ORTL executive director, said, “These companies can try to dress up abortion, saying that women are ‘saving lives’ by donating their babies’ bodies to science. The truth is that their babies are being brutally killed and their little bodies are then shipped to labs to be dissected by researchers. That this may help science in some way is a cold comfort for a woman who realizes she has allowed her baby to be killed inside her body. Pregnancy is temporary but death is permanent.”

The woman who gave the materials to the volunteers told them she was receiving a late-term abortion—a two-day procedure. According to her description, her baby was at least 20 weeks. (The earliest age of viability is 21 weeks.) The CMP videos documented particularly barbaric abortions of older babies in order to garner the most usable parts. While the woman technically donates her baby, ABR charges research facilities $340 for “2nd trimester specimens (18-24 weeks).” The CMP videos make it clear that abortion businesses receive kickbacks from these fetal tissue procurement companies. How much Lovejoy receives for each specimen is unknown.


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