10 Years, 22,000 Lives Saved: Sidewalk Advocates For Life President Reflects on Reaching Out to Women in Crisis

Proponents of legal abortion typically frame their arguments in terms of “choice.” But the head of a prominent pro-life sidewalk advocacy organization says…

Oregon Right to Life Celebrates Second Anniversary of Dobbs v. Jackson Decision

pro-life millennials

Salem, Ore — Today, June 24, 2024, marks the second anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court’s historic decision in Dobbs v. Jackson. The landmark ruling overturned Roe v. Wade, ending the federal “right to abortion” and returning the issue to the people through their elected representatives. The U.S. Supreme Court released its long-awaited 5–4 decision […]

Oregon Maternity Home Founder Speaks About Caring for Moms in Need

The president of an Oregon pro-life maternity home gave a behind-the-scenes look into how her organization meaningfully helps moms in need…

Ontario’s Hope Pregnancy Center Uniquely Situated for Impact

Hector Juarez loves to ask men and women coming out of the ultrasound room at Hope Pregnancy Center (HPC) in Ontario what they just saw. “Many times, they are emotional, and they come back and say, ‘This changes everything,’” says Juarez, the center’s director since 2018. “Even though this area is very rural, with our […]

Pro-life Candidates Make Impressive Showing in 2024 Primary Election

Pro-life candidates who earned the endorsement of Oregon Right to Life Political Action Committee won impressive victories throughout Oregon in the 2024 primary election.  Oregon Right to Life PAC (ORTL PAC) supported 79 candidates in the primary election, making 76 endorsements and three recommendations. Of the supported candidates, 67 will move forward thanks to strong […]
