Marion County Approves Big Grant to Help Pro-Life Pregnancy Center Serve More Moms In Need
Hope Pregnancy Clinic provides free ultrasounds and other resources for women experiencing unsupported pregnancies, empowering them to choose life. The clinic does not perform or refer for abortions and instead provides scientifically accurate information about abortion to women considering it.
WATCH: Pro-Choice People Change Their Minds About Abortion
Many people support legal abortion without clearly understanding who the unborn are and what abortion is. Watch ordinary pro-choice Americans change their minds when they learn with the truth.
‘It’s This Simple’: Why We’re Pro-Life
Have you ever noticed that conversations about abortion frequently become conversations about something other than abortion?
Idaho Planned Parenthood Clinic Closes Its Doors Permanently
Since the overturning of Roe v. Wade in 2022, dozens of Planned Parenthood abortion facilities have permanently shut their doors.
Texas AG Files Lawsuit Against New York Abortion Provider For Mailing Abortion Pills
Pro-life advocates have reacted with enthusiasm to the legal action against the New York abortion provider, highlighting the risks inherent in the widespread distribution of abortion pills.
Tagged abortionabortion pilllawsuitmifepristonepoliticspro lifeTexas