Help Senator Dennis Linthicum pass the
Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Bill
in 2022

From the Desk of Senator Dennis Linthicum
Fellow Oregonians,
The right to life is foundational to everything we hold dear as Americans and Oregonians. All of our rights extend from that first right. Right now in Oregon, the right to life is being denied to babies who have been born under difficult circumstances.
During the Trump administration, the CDC discovered evidence of nearly 150 babies who were born alive after a failed abortion, but were not given medical attention to preserve their fragile lives. Sadly, the true number of lives lost in these tragic cases in unknown and likely much higher.
In 2022, I am introducing the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Bill to ensure this can never happen in Oregon. Your contribution today will support the efforts of Oregon Right to Life to lobby this legislation and finally expose the abortion industry’s defense of this awful practice.
Please donate what you can today to help us protect these little lives. Any amount will help us advance the cause of life in Oregon.
Sen. Dennis Linthicum