Preemie Baby Miraculously Survives After Developing in Mother’s Abdomen 

A baby in France miraculously survived and was released from neonatal care late last year after implanting in the mother’s abdomen…

Victory: Legislators Reject Bill to Weaken Poland’s Strong Pro-Life Protections

In a victory for pro-life advocates and the unborn, lawmakers this month voted against a bill that would have stripped away key protections…

Hospital Negligence Leads Paralyzed Canadian Man to Choose Assisted Suicide

A quadriplegic former truck driver chose physician-assisted suicide in March after experiencing serious neglect at the hands of hospital employees months earlier.

‘Inexcusable’: Hospital Staff in Prague Accidentally Abort Wrong Baby

Staff at a hospital in the Czech Republic accidentally aborted the wrong baby in a horrific case of mistaken identity late last month.

Inspirational English Teen Set to be Youngest Person with Down Syndrome to Complete Marathon

A British teenager is set to become the youngest person with Down Syndrome on record to complete a marathon, shattering expectations of what’s possible…
