SB 494 Returns to Capitol as HB 4135
During the 2017 legislative session, we successfully defeated Senate Bill 494, which could have deprived dementia and Alzheimer’s patients of basic food and water. With the help of many legislators, our dedicated staff, lobbyist, and many of you who called and emailed your legislators, the bill was stopped in the Oregon House. However, this deadly […]
Oregon Test Program Allows Mail Order, At-Home Chemical Abortion
Oregon is one of four states taking part in a program that would study the “feasibility” of abortion by mail in Oregon, Washington State, New York, and Hawaii by having women induce their own abortions at home, following a short video conference with an abortion provider. The program is overseen by Gynuity Health Projects, an […]
A Fresh New Year
I love to turn the page on a calendar to a new year. With nothing written on it, there are so many possibilities to consider. For me, it will be a year of “firsts” as I embark on my first full year as executive director. In fact, as I am writing this, I am in […]
Pro-lifers Have a Huge Impact as PCPs
Have you ever considered becoming a precinct committee person? A PCP is a precinct’s representative to their county party. A precinct is an area that includes anywhere from a few hundred to a few thousand voters. Perhaps you’ve heard us urge you to become a PCP and wondered why it’s a big deal. Well, as […]
New Pro-life Legislators Take Office
Most of the time, election years are the only opportunity for voters to weigh in on who represents them. However, there are occasions when a vacancy occurs in a legislative district between election years. When that happens, the responsibility of finding a replacement falls primarily on precinct committee persons (PCPs). Over the last year, an […]
Tagged Pro-life Legislators