Oregon Right to Life PAC Endorses Jenny Kamprath for Washington County Commissioner Position 1 

Ashley Sadler

Communications Director

Salem, Ore. — Today, Oregon Right to Life PAC (ORTL PAC) announced the endorsement of Jenny Kamprath for Washington County Commissioner Position 1.

Jenny Kamprath is a former small business owner and entrepreneur with over 20 years of experience in marketing and advertising sales. She previously ran for Beaverton City Council.

Oregon Right to Life Political Director Sharolyn Smith said, “Jenny is a strong supporter of the right to life. We are confident that she is the best candidate to represent the interests of vulnerable people, especially women and unborn babies, in Washington County.”

“ORTL PAC is proud to endorse Jenny for Washington County Commissioner Position 1 and looks forward to working with her to advance a culture of life in her community,” Smith said.

Photo Credit: Jenny Kamprath/Facebook.


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