Pro-Life Bills Introduced in This Year’s Legislative Session

Oregon Right to Life

The Oregon Legislature holds short legislative sessions during election years, with the current session beginning February 5 and concluding March 10. One of the differences between the regular and short sessions is that each member was only allotted two bills to move through the legislative process. 

The benefit: there are fewer opportunities for pro-abortion legislators to push through dangerous legislation.

The drawback: legislators have to choose between a myriad of issues important to them and their constituents. 

Oregon Right to Life has been prepping and planning for months and will continue to be active and involved in the Capitol, engaging with members and watching bills until the gavel drops in March. It has been proven that pro-abortion leaders try to sneak in abortion expansions by removing safeguards, increasing funding and more — which is why our team will not hold back until we are sure our most vulnerable Oregonians are protected by law. With the help of two all-star pro-life members, we will be presenting two vitally important and widely supported bills this year.

HB 4108 | Born Alive Infants Protection Act 

Introduced by Representative Bobby Levy (R—Echo)

This bill would require a physician to provide a baby born alive during an abortion with the same degree of care as they would a baby born prematurely. There are currently no protections for these living, breathing infants.

SB 1536 | Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection 

Introduced by Senator Dennis Linthicum (R—Klamath Falls)

This bill would place a limit on abortion at 15 weeks, when the baby can feel pain. As science and research develop, we receive expanded knowledge on fetal development and, specifically fetal pain. Embryologists are confident that unborn babies can feel pain at 15 weeks and possibly even earlier. This bill would place an abortion limit at 15 weeks, with exceptions for medical emergencies and cases of rape and incest. 

Last year, ORTL ran polling and focus groups to further understand what issues are important to voters. Protections for babies born alive continue to maintain a high majority of support, increasing to 80 percent in our last poll. The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act grew a dramatic 10 percent in support after educating on the issues. 

Though unlikely these bills will make it to a vote, it is important to continue educating voters and constituents on these key protections.

To stay in the know about these legislative and other important issues, sign up for ORTL’s Action Alerts at 


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