Young people are the future of the pro-life movement, and we have the privilege to prepare them to advocate for life. With that privilege comes responsibility—how do we equip young advocates to change hearts and minds?
First, students need to be familiar with the facts. The pro-life position is grounded in science; students need to know about fetal development, abortion procedures, the law, pregnancy resource centers, etc. This factual knowledge lays a solid foundation.
In order to use these facts well, students also need to understand logic and argumentation. They need to be able to spot holes in an argument, look beyond the surface, find discrepancies and speak persuasively to people who disagree with them.
Finally, students need compassion. Abortion has taken and harmed millions of lives. Pro-life advocacy is not merely an intellectual exercise; abortion has hurt too many for that. To be effective, students must understand the weight of abortion and have compassionate hearts toward women, as well as their children.
All of these skillsets, however, cannot be developed without experience. Mark Twain said, “A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way.” Pro-life advocacy is like carrying that cat by the tail. Some “scratches” and mistakes are inevitable, but improvement cannot happen without practice.
Through our student programs, we equip young people with the knowledge, skills and experience they need. The speakers give presentations that teach about fetal development, abortion and productive ways to dialogue with pro-choice people. Student contests provide opportunities to engage with pro-life themes in creative and logical ways. Launch, our student leadership retreat, arms graduates with facts and experience.
Help us train the next generation. Host presentations for your student groups; encourage young people to participate in contests or attend Launch; invite them to be involved in your local communities. Together, we can equip our youth to stand for life.

Makyra Williamson,
Community Outreach Program Manager