Utilize ORTL’s Speakers For Your Next Event

Sharolyn Smith

Political Director

Oregon Right to Life (ORTL) is not limited to annual events like March for Life in January, Together We Advocate and Launch in March and county fairs each summer. We have a full slate of engaging and informative pro-life speakers ready for your community’s next get-together! 

“As the Oregon Right to Life Education Foundation, we focus on educating our communities,” says Makyra Williamson, ORTL’s new community outreach program manager. “Many people in Oregon are uninformed about fetal development, abortion procedures and current Oregon law. By educating our communities, we continue to build a culture of life in Oregon.”

In that vein, our speakers’ bureau consists of several pro-life professionals who are available for presentations like Abortion 101 (recommended for ages 15 and up), covering topics like fetal development, abortion procedures and apologetics. In addition, we have presentations available for younger audiences, including third grade and older.

Each speaker has been newly trained by Equal Rights Institute, the premiere organization for effective pro-life dialogue and debate.

“Our speakers are excited to use their new knowledge!” Williamson says. “Our goal is to equip our pro-life community to compassionately and clearly make the case for life so that they can confidently advocate for the unborn.”

ORTL speakers will go anywhere there is interest, including youth groups, schools, churches, community clubs and beyond. Groups of at least 10 are preferred, and speakers can travel throughout the state.

“Without appreciating life, how can you protect it?” Williamson asks. “Without understanding pro-life and pro-choice reasoning, how can you persuade others?”

To book a speaker for your club or event, fill out an interest form at ortl.org/speakers/ or email makyra@ortl.org.
Aurora Magness of Yamhill County won 2nd place for her computer drawing in our most recent student contest

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