Oregon Right to Life Opposes Intimidation Tactics

Sharolyn Smith

Salem, OR—On Saturday, January 29, members of Abolish Human Abortion appeared at the Oregon March for Life, an event organized by Oregon Right to Life. Abolish Human Abortion came with signs and pamphlets that used aggressive language and graphic imagery. Oregon Right to Life opposes Abolish Human Abortion and other similar extremist abortion groups and their use of tactics intended to intimidate others.

“Oregon Right to Life is committed to compassionate and empathetic advocacy,” said Executive Director Lois Anderson. “We believe that every person is valuable and deserving of respect, including those with whom we disagree. That should inform how we engage in advocacy.”

The Oregon March for Life is one of Oregon’s most prominent pro-life events, consistently reaching more than 2,000 attendees. A diverse group of participants march in support of the pro-life movement. It takes place at the Oregon Capitol around the anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision.


    1. Hi Evan,

      Great question! Abolish Human Abortion is an extremist pro-life group that uses intimidation and shaming as methods of approach. They believe abortion laws are only worthwhile if they ban all abortions with no exceptions. Specifically in Oregon, this is nearly impossible to accomplish; therefore, Oregon Right to Life chooses to start by presenting bills that add more regulations and restrictions on abortion or abortion providers. For example, this year, we introduced the Born Alive Infant Protection Act to protect babies born alive during an attempted abortion and the Abortion Pill Reversal Informed Consent Act, requiring abortion providers to give women information on abortion pill reversal treatment 24 hours before taking the first pill. While Abolish Human Abortion is technically pro-life, their extreme approach, insensitivity to their audience, and unwavering method of banning abortion make it impossible for Oregon Right to Life to support them as an organization.

      I hope that makes sense! If you have any further questions, feel free to call our office at 503-463-8563.

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