By Nickie Snyder | Community Outreach Specialist
With the excitement of summer quickly approaching and the possibility of the state reopening, Oregon Right to Life Education Foundation has been preparing materials, resources, referrals and training opportunities to equip our advocates.
Equipped for Life is a pro-life apologetics conversation course provided by Equal Rights Institute. We are offering this invaluable four-hour training at a minimal donation of $5. Would you like to learn how to have impactful and compassionate pro-life conversations? We encourage all of our advocates to sign up. If interested, a link will be sent to your email.
Standard booth items are available for fairs, festivals and outdoor community events. If you would like to host a table at local events, we have the following booth items available: “Touch of Life” fetal models representing unborn babies’ development from seven to 32 weeks, phone playing the prenatal heartbeat of a seven- to eight-week child, table-sized banner reading “Abortion is legal until birth in Oregon,” Precious Pockets (12-week fetal models with a fetal development card in a fabric pocket), pro-life pins, “The Biology of Prenatal Development” DVD and informational brochures including our new “Let’s Talk About Abortion” brochure.
Miracle of Life display is a table-sized display specifically for use in a religious setting. As the name suggests, Miracle of Life shows the amazing development of a preborn child and does not feature abortion. The display banner illustrates the sacredness of life with an image of a mother holding a baby and a verse from Psalm 139: “You saw me before I was born.”
Launch is a pro-life leadership retreat for young adults between the ages of 16-21. We will be hosting Launch at the Oregon Coast from August 4 to August 6 (see page 4) this year. Launch participants will be inspired and equipped for lifelong pro-life advocacy and friendships. Space is limited, so apply soon at ortl.org/launch. To receive these training links or pro-life materials and resources, contact me at nickie@ortl.org or 503-463-8563.