Oregon House Prioritizes Partisan Politics Over 78% of Oregonians Who Oppose Infanticide

Sharolyn Smith

Salem, OR— Today a majority of the Oregon House of Representatives voted down House Bill 2699. The vote was 37-22 in opposition. This is the House version of Senate Bill 586 which would have required medical care to be given to a baby that survives a failed abortion procedure. 

“It’s clear after two votes on the born alive legislation that abortion extremists in the Oregon Legislature think infanticide is a partisan issue. 78% of Oregonians disagree,” said Lois Anderson, ORTL executive director. “It just makes me sad that even in the case of infants who are born alive and need medical care, the Democrats in our state legislature cannot rise above partisan lock-step. We applaud the 22 representatives that voted for good policy supported by the overwhelming majority of Oregonians.”

CDC data from 2003 to 2014 reveals at least 143 babies survived an abortion but were left to die without proper medical care. Recent polling conducted by Oregon Right to Life shows 78% of Oregonians support this legislation.


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