Here’s What Happened in the 2021 Legislative Session

Sharolyn Smith

With the Oregon Capitol closed to the public for the entire 81st Oregon Legislative Assembly, this session was a challenge for all advocacy groups. However, it was particularly challenging for pro-lifers and other groups that are not welcome to the unified Democratic control of both the House, Senate, and Governor’s mansion.

Now that that session is over, here is a summary of pro-life and pro-choice bills this session and what happened to them:

Pro-Life Legislation

SB 586 & HB 2699 | Born-Alive Infant Protection

Pulled to both floors. Defeated by the pro-abortion supermajority.

After the House and Senate Health Care Committees failed to have a public hearing on this critical legislation, pro-life legislators bravely pulled this legislation to the floors of both chambers. They forced the Democrats to make their position public through a vote.

In both chambers, every Democrat legislator voted against protecting babies born alive during abortion procedures.

SB 671 & HB 2540 | Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection

Did not receive a public hearing and did not pass.

Polling reveals that Oregonians broadly support this legislation. The supermajority’s refusal to even consider it highlights their radically pro-abortion position.

SB 652 and HB 2011 | Advance Directive Patient Protection

Did not receive a public hearing and did not pass.

This was our alternative legislation to SB 199 (see below), but it was unfortunately not considered.

Dangerous Legislation

SJR 12 | Refers an amendment to the Oregon Constitution to voters. If passed, it would create the right to taxpayer-funded health care (includes taxpayer-funded abortion)

Passed with pro-life opposition.

This ballot measure will be put to voters in the November 2022 general election. We will ask voters to oppose it with a No vote.

SB 199 | Changes Oregon’s advance directive form

Passed with pro-life opposition.

While a lot of the changes to the advance directive form made it more clear, language has been included that suggests those facing major health challenges have nothing to live for and should not request life-sustaining care. Through Conclusions Oregon, we will continue to educate and provide resources to Oregonians so they can protect their lives with a pro-life advance directive.

HB 2121 | Allowing naturopathic physicians to perform abortions at Planned Parenthood.

Did not receive a hearing and did not pass (a major pro-life victory).

HB 2362 | Forcing pro-life and religiously-affiliated health care providers to submit to state mandate regulations to provide abortion

Passed with pro-life opposition.

Health care entities — including pro-life and religiously affiliated — would need to obtain approval from Oregon Health Authority before any mergers, acquisitions, or affiliations. This will give Gov. Brown’s pro-abortion administration more control over the business aspects of pro-life health care entities.

HB 3035 | Providing more abortions to incarcerated women

Passed with pro-life opposition.

Originally, this legislation was a direct attempt to provide more abortions to women in Oregon prisons. With the help of our pro-life legislators, it was substantially amended.  The bill establishes a task force to study health care in prisons. In a state like Oregon, it is unlikely their work will reflect the preliminary studies that suggest women who are allowed to give birth and raise their children while incarcerated have a lower rate of recidivism.


  1. Thank you for all your efforts. It’s unbelievable that such incredibly offensive legislation can be passed. I will continue to pray and support monetarily your cause.

  2. Dear Reagan,

    Thank you for this report. I wish it were more positive. But we need to keep fighting the
    ‘good fight ’.

    Good bless you for all the good work do for “LIFE”.

    Susan Morrison
    Central Coast ORTL

  3. Thank you for your hard work to keep us informed. Knowing is the first step to educating and changing. God bless you, and may God have mercy on us all.

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