Planned Parenthood Increases Abortions by 6.6% in One Year

Sharolyn Smith

Political Director

This week, Planned Parenthood released their 2019-2020 annual report. Here are some of the major takeaways from the report:

  • As the nation’s largest provider of abortion, Planned Parenthood performed a record number of abortions: 354,871, a 6.6% increase from the prior year.
  • Planned Parenthood received $616.1 million from the American taxpayers.
  • Planned Parenthood’s total revenue in the 2019-2020 fiscal year was $1.641 billion dollars.
  • For yet another year, the number of health-related services, such as well woman exams, breast exams, and Pap tests, also continued to decrease.
  • Planned Parenthood Action Fund spent more than $60 million in lobbying efforts and activism.

“Planned Parenthood is a money-making machine not an altruistic health care provider as they would like us to believe,” says Lois Anderson, Oregon Right to Life executive director. “While the number of abortion procedures nationally declines, Planned Parenthood expand their market share year after year. They continue to organize and push for policies that will directly increase their bottom line.”

“In a time when Americans struggle to make ends meet and our politicians argue about whether or not to send emergency stimulus checks,” continued Anderson, “It is past time to end public funding this billion-dollar organization.”

Kate Brown at PP rally

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