Launch Goes Virtual for Everyone

Sharolyn Smith

After postponing, relocating and hoping to continue, we had to cancel Launch, our leadership retreat for pro-life students. However, the restrictions that led to the cancellation also meant people were spending more time at home and online. We put our heads together with our featured presenter Josh Brahm, president of the Equal Rights Institute. We came up with a plan: a “virtual” version of Launch for everyone.

Over four days, we hosted four one-hour live sessions featuring not only Brahm, but also Dr. Deborah Canepa, an Oregon Right to Life board member and retired biology professor, as well as Dr. William Toffler, a distinguished physician, professor and advocate.

The sessions covered the basics of embryology and human development before birth, the dangers of physician-assisted suicide, developing skills in compassionate communication and breaking down pro-choice arguments in a way that changes minds. After each session, there was time for participants to ask questions. Some issues addressed were the use of abortion victim photos, how to approach abortion in cases of rape and when to walk away from a fruitless conversation.Thanks to our generous donors, sessions were offered at no charge and can be accessed on Oregon Right to Life’s YouTube channel. We are planning for an in-person, students-only version of Launch in March 2021. Be sure to watch our social media and emails for more information, including the application deadline.


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