By Nickie Snyder | Community Outreach Specialist
What characteristics make an effective pro-life champion? Ed Krupka is a contemporary example of what it takes to protect the life of the unborn and vulnerable in our world. Compelled by his personal faith, Ed wanted to do something to protect both the unborn and the vulnerable elderly in Oregon.
Ed began by writing letters to the editor to The Eugene Register-Guard opposing both abortion and assisted suicide. After a decade of writing letters to oppose abortion and euthanasia, Ed decided it was time to get involved in the pro-life cause in another way. Another pro-life advocate led him to get involved in student programs.
Arline Link was serving as both the Lane County Fair booth coordinator and the contest coordinator when Ed met her. Arline mentioned to Ed that she needed someone to help recruit more student participation in the local contests. Ed dove right in.
Ed has served as the Lane County contest coordinator for the Oregon Right to Life Education Foundation for the last decade. He has increased participation in the local contests of youth from kindergarten to high school. Ed has inspired thousands of students to stand firm and uphold their pro-life convictions and principles.
Ed credits assistance from “angels” — teachers, school administrators, contest judges, church leaders, community members, business owners, and parents. For example, every year, Fr. Stephen Clovis attends the local poster judging where he receives inspiration from the young student’s artistic interpretation of the value of life.
Last year, Lane County had over 420 students participate in the local contests. Ed has enjoyed seeing several of his contest protégés place at the highest level in both state and national levels. Ed’s success as a champion for life has come from building lasting and interwoven relationships. His reciprocal relationships with contestants, parents, clergy, educators, contest judges, business owners, and community members have benefited all involved.
Perhaps Ed’s most influential characteristic has been his persistence in promoting and sustaining the local oratory, short film, essay, and poster contests in Lane County. Would you be willing to become a pro-life champion like Ed Krupka by inspiring the youth in your home, church, and community to participate in their local ORTL contests? The ORTL state office has resources to help you to do just that. Contact Nickie at nickie@ortl.org, 503-463-8563 for more information.