Together We Advocate 2020

Sharolyn Smith

The Largest Pro-Life Conference in the PNW

February 29, 2020
Rolling Hills Community Church
Tualatin, Oregon

  • General sessions with exciting speakers
  • Workshops featuring local and national pro-life leaders that will help you effectively advocate in your family, community and beyond
  • Networking and sharing with pro-life advocates from all over the PNW

You may register online at or call Oregon Right to Life: 503-463-8563
For groups of 5 or more call for a special discount!

** Early bird registration (by January 31, 2020)
• Adults $40.00    
• Seniors $30.00    
• Student $30.00

After January 31st
• Adults $50.00    
• Seniors $35.00    
• Students $35.00

The registration cost does not cover the cost of the event. This conference is brought to you by generous sponsors. Will you join them? Please call 503/463-8563 or email for more information.

Featured speakers:

Dr. Anthony Levatino is a board-certified OB-GYN. During the beginning of his career he performed more than 1,200 abortions. Now he is a pro-life advocate, educating the world about the reality of abortion.

Melissa Coles is the birth mother featured in the short pro-life documentary, “I Lived on Parker Avenue.” She made the choice, at the last minute, to get off the procedure table and place her son with an adoptive family. They met for the second time 19 years later.

Claire Culwell and Josiah Presley are both abortion survivors. Claire’s mother had an abortion at the behest of Claire’s biological grandmother. Weeks later, it was discovered that Claire’s twin had been aborted while Claire survived. She was born at 30 weeks gestation and adopted.

Josiah’s birth mother had an abortion in South Korea. After she discovered the abortion had failed, she gave birth to Josiah and placed him with a family in the US.

Claire and Josiah now work to advocate for others in danger of losing their lives to abortion.


  1. Unfortunately, I have to work the 29th. Will the conference be taped and available for purchase later?

  2. I am signed up for the conference this Saturday but have received no information on the workshops being offered. When do I see those to decide which ones to attend?
    Thank you!
    Susan Corgan

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