2019 Legislative Session Update

Sharolyn Smith

Political Director

We knew this legislative session was going to be tough, but two months in we have accomplished a lot! We are resolved and prepared for more battles to come.

We have introduced four pieces of pro-life legislation. We continue to promote common sense bills that would protect babies from painful, late-term, and sex-selective abortions. We’ve also introduced a fetal tissue research ban, which would shut down unethical research at institutions such as Oregon Health Sciences University. The Conscience Protection Bill is also new. It would protect pro-life advocates in the medical field or schools from discrimination if they refuse to participate in life-ending procedures.

We are also introducing the Born-Alive Protection Act. This legislation is modeled after what was recently voted down in the U.S. Senate. The issue is especially timely as the public is becoming more aware that medical care is not required for babies born during an abortion. To find out how to contact your legislators in support of this bill, see the Action Alert on page 6.

Stopping or fixing anti-life legislation is a significant priority. Recently, we were able to work with both political parties to amend a bill that would have removed protections for incapable persons. We are also actively fighting four dangerous assisted suicide expansion bills and monitoring a host of other potentially harmful legislation.

Are you interested in learning more about advocating at the Oregon Capitol? We will have a workshop at Together We Advocate on April 6 that is made for you! See conference details on page 8.


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