NIFLA v. Becerra Win & Justice Kennedy Retiring

Sharolyn Smith

This week brought big news out of the Supreme Court of the United States. First, in NIFLA v. Becerra, SCOTUS ruled 5-4 that two provisions of California law intended to regulate pregnancy resource centers were unconstitutional, violating the First Amendment.

“This decision was a victory for freedom of conscience in America,” says Lois Anderson, ORTL executive director. “California’s law was a bald-faced attempt to force pro-life Californians to violate their deeply-held beliefs.”

Secondly, Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy announced his retirement, effective July 31, after 30 years on the Court. He served as a swing vote on the Court and his retirement presents Pres. Trump with his chance to place another jurist on the Court.

“We are hopeful. We understand that it’s a big decision for the nation,” says Anderson. “We look forward to Pres. Trump nominating another well-qualified jurist who supports restoring the complete human rights of the unborn.”  Read more at National Review.


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