HB 3391 Voted Out of State Senate, Forces Taxpayers to Fund More Abortions

Sharolyn Smith

Political Director

Salem, OR–Today the Oregon Senate passed House Bill 3391-B on a party-line vote (17-13).  The bill now heads to Governor Kate Brown.

“This bill is wrong on so many levels,” said Gayle Atteberry, ORTL executive director.  “Fundamentally, HB 3391 is morally reprehensible because it will take the lives of even more innocent Oregonians.  Sadly, even the barbaric practice of late-term abortion will increase as abortion is legal in Oregon through all 9 months.  This is not to mention that many Oregonians are opposed to the use of their tax dollars to fund abortion.”

This bill was pushed by Planned Parenthood, a big supporter of Democrat majorities in the legislature, and Governor Brown, a former abortion lobbyist herself.  “HB 3391,” continued Atteberry, “was politically calculated to ensure Planned Parenthood has funding in a time when they are at risk of losing hundreds of millions of dollars from the federal government.”

The Senate vote today took place after several Senate Republicans took to the floor in vehement opposition.  During the debate, Republican Senator Tim Knopp made a motion to refer the bill to the Senate Rules committee to adopt an amendment removing the abortion portion of the bill. The motion was voted down on party-lines.

Before today’s Senate vote, HB 3391-B was voted out of the State House of Representatives on Saturday.  The floor debate was contentious, with many Republicans speaking up in opposition.  All Republicans and one Democrat voted no.  Below are some statements made by pro-life State Representatives:

  • Rep. Bill Post: “This is already being done in Oregon…The total number of [abortion] procedures is now as of 2014 47,000…. Total cost [is] just over $22 million dollars.” (Click to watch full floor speech.)
  • Rep. Werner Reschke: “Will House Bill 3391 increase or decrease the number of abortions in the state of Oregon? If it will decrease the number then sign me up.  But I’m afraid we all know that’s not the case.” (Click to watch full floor speech)
  • Rep Jodi Hack: “Owning a business in Oregon is tough…. It concerns me that this narrow definition that we’ve defined here today puts at risk someone’s first amendment right and their ability to decide with their religious convictions what’s right for them….” (Click to watch full floor speech)
  • Rep. Mike Nearman: “We don’t need to do this.  This is Oregon.  There [are] no legal restrictions on anyone’s right to get an abortion. None. You can get an abortion at any time for any reason.  Even sex-selection.” (Click to watch full floor speech)

For more information on HB 3391, please click here.

For media inquiries, please contact Liberty Pike, ORTL communications director, at liberty@ortl.org.


  1. I do not support this bill and an 100% against it. I do not want my taxpayer dollars going forward something that I adamantly oppose. Abortion is murder is the most heinous sense of the word. The killing of absolute innocents. Please do not vote yes. If women want abortions they can pay for them.

    1. Thank you for standing up for those who have no voice. This will not go by unnoticed.

  2. Abortion is a crime against humanity. For the anti-religious set, they sure are good at ignoring the science of when life begins. They should not force me to collude with them in taking a constitutionally protected right to life away from an preborn person.

    1. Lord have mercy. Lets see. Abortion up to 9 months. And if the baby is born with down syndrome Then they abort them. My Lord. In heaven. I believe the people that live in Oregon need to do some serious soul searching.

  3. My wife Rose and had six children. We abhor abortion. Human life cannot be managed in legislatures like animal husbandry. No No No

  4. This is flat out murder. Of course Kate Brown will sign this. She has not done one thing right for the people of Oregon since day one.
    I fully disagree with this bill and WILL NOT support these atrocities against children or anyone else!!

  5. This is nothing less than murder. Oregon is becoming the most extreme state in the Union on many levels. I do not want any of my tax dollars paying for this travesty. Why are we hearing about this on national media and very little, if anything, on local media. I would be willing to bet that there are many Oregonians who are unaware of this bill but who would be opposed to it if they knew.

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