Double Your Money!

Sharolyn Smith

Help us save more lives!

By Elizabeth Spillman, Development Coordinator has had an exciting year filled with many new opportunities as we celebrated our 15th anniversary and surpassed 34 million women reached since 2001. This past January, we attended the March for Life and Babies Go to Congress in Washington, D.C. to spread the message of StandUpGirl to the East Coast. We held our very first benefit concert this September.

Now, as the year draws to a close, we recently received the best news yet! We are overjoyed to announce that a generous local family foundation has offered us a matching grant. This means that every dollar our supporters give up to $25,000 will be doubled! This will allow us to reach hundreds of thousands of women we might not otherwise be able to reach through our outreach advertising. That will mean that hundreds of thousands of families will be transformed and lives will be saved.

This opportunity could not have come at a better time. As Christmas approaches, things get hectic in our households and we can become distracted with so many issues begging for our attention during this special season. But, we rejoice as we spend the days with beloved friends and family. We rejoice as we celebrate the birth of our Savior.

For those who come to, however, this season can be a time of fear, depression and despair. But now, even in a dark time, with your help, we have an incredible opportunity to offer hope and life-affirming options to young women at a time when they need it most.

Will you help us maximize every dollar of this generous matching grant offer? You can call 503-304-1531 or go to to donate by January 1, 2017 or for more information. A gift of $100 has the potential to reach 2,000 young women. Remember, every dollar you give will be doubled, enabling us to reach twice as many young women in crisis with a life-affirming message of hope and courage!


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