Another Dangerous Bill Defeated!

Sharolyn Smith

Political Director

It was a short legislative session this year but that doesn’t mean it was without threats. The biggest one was SB 1552. This bill would have given a committee, chosen by Gov. Kate Brown, control of Oregon’s advance directive, removing legislative oversight. Keeping a watchful eye out for subversive bills like this are one of the ways we use your donations to ORTL. Thanks to your financial support, we were able to defeat this bill this session!

First, all of us owe a round of applause to our fantastic lobbyist, former Speaker of the House Karen Minnis, and to all of our pro-life senators. (Paying Karen is one of the many ways we use your donations.) Secondly, we asked ORTL supporters to email their senators to ask them to stand against this bill. Those emails were instrumental in stopping this bad bill.

Pro-lifers in Oregon may feel marginalized and ignored much of the time. However, when we stand together, with the grace of God, we are able to hold back the onslaught of pro-abortion/assisted suicide forces in Oregon. If you are one of our faithful members who financially supports us, reads our emails, and/or responds when we have need, thank you. If you haven’t done any of these things yet (maybe you’re new to our state, welcome!), we hope this nudges you to get involved.

We need every voice, working together, if we want to stop abortion in Oregon.


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